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July 05, 2016

June Wrap Up: #mugglestowizards Part One

We wanted to revive reading in the club, and what better way to start than with Harry Potter!
A lot of us have grown up with this magical world, waiting for the letter, hoping to be the next Quidditch legend, while others have magically resisted the charm till much later. This June & July, we made the resisting a little difficult by hosting two month long Harry Potter readathon, with movie marathons, giveaways, what not! (We're hosting the readathon along side Mahima from incorrigiblemusings and Chetana from Chetanaholla)
And the response we received has been phenomenal! With the first four books read, three movies watched, and two giveaways down, June has been quite magical.
Here's what transpired this month,

The Announcement: 

Readathon started with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and the first prompt for the giveaway was, "Your Journey To Hogwarts", this story by Chetana warmed our hearts, go on , read on if you haven't,

It was in September of 2000, when I was 11, that I first laid eyes on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I was excited because my dad had just gotten back from a trip the night before and if I was lucky he would sometimes bring me and my sister books. I an upstairs to my parents bedroom and lo and behold I find a stack of books on their bed. I saw a book about a couple of books down the stacks whose name I couldn't really see, but I could see a "ha" and half of an r. I thought it was a Hardy boys book which was exciting in and of itself but when I picked it up it was this book with a boy expressing bewilderment in front of a train. I had never heard of it so I have it a go. I devoured that book and fell in love with this world that Rowling created. The next time I was at a book store I had to pick up the next couple of the books in the series that were out. I have to thank my dad for introducing me to this world and my mom for not getting pissed at me for constantly reading this series and buying the books. I read the 1st HP book close to 10 times in the first couple of years I'd gotten it and I still reread the series every couple of years. This was my journey to Hogwarts. I'm taking part in the #mugglestowizards Read-a-thon being held by @fictionalfortress 
A photo posted by Chetana (@chetanaholla) on

Another beautifully put "Your Journey To Hogwarts" post by Pologeebee,

Remember your first HP read? My journey to Hogwarts started on a random day and on a random street in Calcutta. Well the street isn't that random. Not like 4, Privet Drive though. It was Esplanade, Calcutta. I was walking with Baba and saw Harry Potter books being sold at a shop. An uncle had told me about it and I was willing to spend my father's money on it. It was a random choice. I came home and forgot about it. It was sometime later that I picked it up and just couldn't read more than the first few pages. It was forgotten again, just like Riddle's diary. Finally, I picked it again and this time I did not let go. Seven books, eight movies, some extra books, arrival of a new movie spin off and a play later, it has stayed with me. Hogwarts is home and it will remain so forever. As Rowling said, "Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." Welcome aboard! #mugglestowizards
A photo posted by PGB (@pologeebee) on

Some went as far as displaying their Letter To Hogwarts on Muggle net, we wonder what Ministry Of Magic will say about this,

Some made art in celebration of the readathon, do you see our happy tears? Do you?

A photo posted by K (@driftingfirefly) on

A photo posted by Parinitha P (@pari617) on

Some other beautiful pictures that turned up during the course of the read-a-thon,

A photo posted by Sumedha (@i.rock.books.rule) on

A photo posted by Amrita (@bookishreveries) on

A photo posted by Shefali. (@shefalirane) on

Was quite a month, wasn't it? Well, July is going to be even better with last three books, four movies, and FOUR MORE GIVEAWAYS!

If you haven't joined the readathon yet, what are you waiting for? Join us now, it's never too late to read/re-read Harry Potter. All you have to do is get your HP books, read them, post about them using #mugglestowizards. That is all.
See you then?

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