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January 31, 2016

Book Review: The Martian by Andy Weiner

Today, one of our wonderful club members, Arzoo Naqvi is taking over the blog to talk about her FAV sci-fi read, The Martian. Here's what she has to say about this thrilling adventure:

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The Martian is a thrilling sci-fi novel with a hearty dose of Humour written by Andy Weir, a genius.
Our hero, Mark Watney, is one of the first few people to walk on Mars and would possibly be the first one to die on the planet after his crewmates abandon him post a dust storm presuming him dead. Fortunately, the injuries were minor. Mark had to struggle with an extremely foreign territory, chances of starvation and possible death due to lack of oxygen.
Mark, a badass botanist, has to grow four years of vegetation on a planet where nothing grows.
He's smart, intellectual and funny. He has an unbreakable, unshakable, unmovable will of coming back to Earth.

The Martian is known to be a cross between Cast Away and Apollo 13. Well, it only takes a genius to produce their baby and Andy Weir did all his research, maths and science calculations by himself.
He did not have any acquaintances from NASA. It was only after the release of this book he made friends with a lot of smart people from NASA and elsewhere. The book was first self-published online by the author, it gained massive popularity once Crown publications decided to publish its physical copies in paperbacks and hardbacks.
Just when you thought sci-fi was about to die, The Martian was all over the internet and everybody was talking about it.

We all need to be like Mark. Everybody needs a Mark Watney in their lives.
He knows how to handle situations under (literally) high pressure. It was worth the hype.
The book gets a little too intellectual sometimes for an average person but it's all right. It's fun. Sometimes it feels as if the reader is reading somebody's blog. Mark is so hilarious that sometimes you'd need to put your book down and have a hearty laugh about what you just read.
Every calamity is briefly mentioned in the book but how Mark overcomes those rough times is described in a better fashion. The writing is simple.
I cried in the end. It was so overwhelming.

What are your fav sci-fi reads?
To join our virtual book discussion on this theme; hit us up with a mail.

January 19, 2016


 GENRE: Sci-fi, Young Adult, Dystopia
All Our Yesterdays, is a sci-fi novel mainly based on the concept of time travel. To say that the concept was stunningly executed, is an understatement. It was not just the concept, but the plot, the characters and the writing also, equally contributed to the book's success in being the best sci-fi book.
To begin with, let me talk about the plot. Without revealing much, this book revolves around Em, who is currently held captive by Doctor who is ruining this world one by one. When one day, Em finds a note saying she has to complete a final instruction in the note, she finds herself fighting against the Doctor, and killing her one and only love. I am not a big fan of romance, and I never even look towards sci-fi novels, and when I find a book with romance AND sc-fi together, I knew I shouldn't pick it up. But I did. And, boy was I surprised! I literally breathed the book, taking everything like wind. Writing a proper review is still very difficult for me, because I'm still inside that book, and I refuse to come out of this.
The characters of this book were mind-blowing. The protagonist Em living in the future, is everything from badass to caring. She is definitely my favorite literary hero. On the other hand, Em's past self, Marina, is a very different, though not opposite of Em. Like every other girl, who cares about her looks, and wants to fall in love with the perfect guy, Marina is everything Em is not. But, what is strikingly similar about them is their caring nature, their love, and their strong personality. The male leads, James and Finn, love interests of Marina and Em, respectively, are pure awesomeness. And what is strangely beautiful, is the love triangle which seems to grow out their their relationships.
“I've been scared of so much stupid crap in my life. Making a bad grade or not fitting in. God, I was scared of you. And it was all such a waste. None of it matters now that the real scary shit is here.”
Lastly, what stood out for me is the writing. No matter how great a plot is, and how striking the characters, what binds a story together is its writing. I often find myself bored when the writing is not good. and if the writing is good, I'll love it no matter what the story is like. In this case, the writing was so good, that it was a cherry on the top, for such a powerful story and such amazing characters. Cristin Terrill writes beautifully, yet powerfully. It makes a lasting impact, and even when the story ends, you'll find yourself wanting for more.
“The truth is, the world is a f*cked up place sometimes.”
 What are your Sci-Fi reads this month, tell us about it with the hashtag #ficfortressreads on any social media.

January 02, 2016

Varsha's Top 5 Reads of 2015

2015 was a wonderful year for me in terms of reading. Even though I couldn't read as much as I wanted to (thank you Uni), I enjoyed almost all the books that I did read and also discovered so many new authors.


Genre: High Fantasy
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The amazing series tops my reading list for 2015. Melina Marcehetta has this way with words that just leaves me awestruck and having read her contemporaries, I thought I knew what I was getting into when I started this series but boy was I wrong. This series is full of real characters, mystery, action, adventure and hope. 
What's the first book about? It starts with three friends, a prophetic dream and a blood pledge, 
Followed by an invasion, a terrible curse and the struggle of one people to take back what they lost. 

This series deserves all the love in the world so go read it, ya'll :)

“Because without our language, we have lost ourselves. Who are we without our words?” 
-Melina Marchetta 

2. Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Genre: Fanstay
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A book centered around a heist? It has to make my list :P I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book because I am not a fan of Leigh Bardug's Grisha trilogy. But this one blew my mind. In this book, six misfits come together to pull off an impossible heist and I loved every page of it. The plot was epic and crazy and adventurous and just grabs your attention and does not let go till the very end. The world building is done beautifully and what I loved the most about this book is the characters. All of them were so incredibly well fleshed out and the interactions between them was so entertaining. 
Highly recommended. 

"“A gambler,a convict,a wayward son,a lost Grisha,a Suli girl who had become a killer,a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.”
-Leigh Bardugo

3. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Fantasy
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One of the best sequels I've ever read. Blue Lily, Lily Blue is the 3rd book in The Raven Cycle quartet and is one of the most unique books I've ever read. I was mesmerized by the complexity and ingenuity of the story. Blue Lily, Lily Blue took my breath away. It was everything I wanted it to be and so much more.

Seers, clairvoyance, Welsh kings, dreamers, all this sets up this vivid, palpable atmosphere that I could feel deep in my bones.  The last book, The Raven King is my most anticipated release of 2016.

". . . what she didn't realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another."
-Maggie Stiefvater 

4. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas

Genre: Fantasy
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Besides Winter, QoS was my most anticipated releases of 2015 and it also turned out be the best in the series so far. I love how this series keeps getting better with each book and the characters, they grow stronger and deadlier, more fierce and passionate. We see in QoS how they're a far cry from the characters we met in the fist book, hardened by blood and betrayal.  Maas is a genius for the way she went about the character and plot development. The plot in this one was constantly changing and Maas' writing was fantastic. I loved the changes of mood and atmosphere, how quickly it happened and yet it did never left me unbalanced.  Cannot wait for the next book. 

“They joined hands.
So the world ended.
And the next one began.” 
-Sarah J Maas 

5. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

Genre: Fantasy 
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A Beauty and the Beast retelling with a touch a Greek mythology. It's everything a fantasy lover could ever ask for. It had everything I look for in a book; an imperfect heroine, unpredictable mystery, fascinating setting and backstory, characters that are as real as you and me and beautiful writing. This wasn't a light read but I liked that it showed the most evil aspects of human nature and the dark and twisted side of fairy tales. This book was truly mesmerizing.

"He is a monster, I said. Maybe I m a monster to pity him.”
-Rosamund Hodge

January 01, 2016


2015 was a great year, both in terms of personal life and reading life. Not only I improved my reading habits, I also discovered so many good authors, and I can't wait to read more in 2016. Choosing 5 out of 78 books read this year, is very difficult. But, nevertheless, here's my top 5 books of 2015:
1. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

(source: Tuba on Instagram)
Genre: YA Dystopia
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This was probably my first fantasy read in 2015, and definitely my favourite. This book made me fall in love with the fantasy genre, and it inspired me to discover more beautiful books in the genre. Everything in this book is perfection, including the writing, the setting and the characters, and if you are still thinking of the reasons to pick up, then here's one more: the cover. I mean, judging a book by its cover is a bookish sin. But, how can someone say no to a golden spine? Pick up, pick up! 

2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Genre : Adult Fiction
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This is my last read of 2015, and definitely the best. I've been putting this book off for so long now, but when I finally picked it up, it changed everything. It is set in Jackson, Mississippi, at a time where black maids were considered "diseased". This book gives such an inisght into the lives of black maids working for white mistresses. I cried, and cried till the tears went dry. This book had me hooked from the beginning till the end, and it is not the story, the writing was so beautiful. I urge everyone to read this as soon as possible. 

3. The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins

Genre : Psychological Thriller
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I read many psychological thrillers this year, including Gone Girl, and despite loving Gone Girl, this book made it to the top five. Why? Because it's mind-blowing. I was expecting something else, and I got something else and even more. I do not have words to explain how amazing this book turned out to be. Even though it has a lot of mixed reviews, I would still want everyone to give it a try. 

4. The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh

Genre ; Contemporary
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It would be unfair to not add an Indian book to this list. So, here's a book which changed my perspective on Indian books. Amitav Ghosh'd writing not only captures your heart, but also breaks it into thousand pieces. The story was so powerful, and so beautiful. If there is anybody who hasn't yet read this book, make this your priority. It sent in the hauntingly beautiful Bay of Bengal, and it just makes you want to live inside that book because of its vivid imagery of the life there. So creepy, but so beautiful. 

5. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Genre : Historical Fiction
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This year was pretty good for Harper Lee, because the sequel to this book just got released. This book has been in my life since ninth grade, when my favourite teacher suggested this book to us. I tried reading it then, but it was too much for me. I bought this book this summer, and devoured it the moment it was in my hands. And god, I know why everyone wants to read it. And why everyone loved it. AND WHY EVERYONE IS EXCITED ABOUT THE SEQUEL. This book is another anecdote on the kind of life that existed in southern USA where racism was it its peak. This book should be read at least once in a lifetime. 

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